Shoe Dept 202, 1365 North Dupont Highway # 5028, Dover, DE, 19901-8710, shoe stores

U.S Apparel Stores Delaware Apparel Stores Delaware - List of United States Apparel And Accessory Stores

Shoe Dept 202

Company Name: Shoe Dept 202
Status: Active
State: Delaware
Post: 19901-8710
County: Kent
City: Dover
Address: 1365 North Dupont Highway # 5028
Phone: (302)674-2828
Fax: unknown
Email: unknown
Contact Branch Manager: Darlene Faulkner
Web site: unknown
SIC code: 566100 Industry group: Apparel And Accessory Stores, Business category: Shoe Stores, Subcategory: Shoe stores
Gross Annual Sales (Revenue): Unavailable
Overall: Shoe Dept 202 is a business categorized under shoe stores, which is part of the larger category apparel and accessory stores. Shoe Dept 202 is located at the address 1365 North Dupont Highway # 5028 in Dover, Delaware 19901-8710. The Branch Manager is Darlene Faulkner who can be contacted at (302)674-2828.
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